Nunez Community College Website Accessibility Policy


To ensure College’s Compliance to Americans with Disabilities Act Section 504 and Title II as well as Louisiana Community & Technical College System Policy # 7.008.


All web content provided by Nunez Community College.


Nunez Community College is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community with disabilities. All pages on the Nunez Community College website will conform to the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative’s (WAI) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA conformance, or updated equivalents of these guidelines.

The Chancellor of the College is directed to establish procedures whereby students, parents, and members of the public may present a complaint regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and Title II related to the accessibility of any official college web presence which is developed by, maintained by, or offered through the college or third party vendors and open sources.

Website Accessibility

With regard to the Nunez Community College website and any official Nunez Community College web presence which is developed by, maintained by, or offered through third party vendors and open sources, the college is committed to compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and Title II so that students, parents and members of the public with disabilities are able to independently acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same benefits and services within the same time frame as those without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use; and that they are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any Nunez Community College programs, services, and activities delivered online.

All existing web content produced by the Nunez Community College, and new, updated and existing web content provided by third-party developers, will conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA conformance, or updated equivalents, by June 30, 2017. This Regulation applies to all new, updated, and existing web pages, as well as all web content produced or updated by Nunez Community College or provided by third-party developers.

Website Accessibility Concerns, Complaints and Grievances

A student, parent or member of the public who wishes to submit a complaint or grievance regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 or Title II related to the accessibility of any official Nunez Community College web presence that is developed by, maintained by, or offered through Nunez Community College, third party vendors and/or open sources may complain directly to Nunez Community College’s ADA & Title IX Coordinator, Jacinta Massey. Office Location: Administration Building, 2nd Floor, Room 244. Phone: (504) 278-6278. Email: [email protected].

As soon as the initial complaint or grievance is made the college website administrator should be notified.

A grievance may be resolved through either an informal or formal process. Informal or formal resolution of complains till be conducted in a prompt and fair manner without fear of retribution.

Informal Resolution Process Steps:

The Complainant does not have to complete all of the steps of the Informal Resolution Process if at any time s/he feels the problem has been resolved. In addition, s/he may opt to move to the Formal Resolution Process at any time.

First: Contact Nunez Community College’s ADA & Title IX Coordinator If the issue is not resolved with this step, the complainant may continue to the next step or enter Formal Resolution.

Second: Contact the website administrator at [email protected] . If the issue is not resolved with this step, the complainant may continue to the next step or enter Formal Resolution.

Third: Contact the Vice Chancellor for Education, Training, and Student Success. In all cases where appropriate, grievances/complaints will be investigated by the appropriate administrator or third party. If the issue is not resolved with this step, the complainant may continue to the next step or enter Formal Resolution.

Fourth: If resolution of the grievance is reached informally, a written agreement (if deemed appropriate) must be signed by the complainant. The agreement shall outline the provisions of the resolution and indicate that the complainant was aware of but waived the right to a formal resolution.

Formal Resolution Process Steps:

A formal hearing before a Special Committee appointed by the Chancellor may occur at the request of an aggrieved individual.

First: The aggrieved individual must write a letter of grievance to Nunez Community College’s ADA & Title IX Coordinator. The letter should state the circumstances and date of the grievance, the individual(s) involved, and what, if any, steps were taken to resolve the issue.

Second: The Director of ADA & Title IX Coordinator and/or the website administrator may contact the aggrieved individual to attempt to solve the issue informally within three days of receipt of the letter of grievance, if the aggrieved individual has not chosen this solution initially.

Third: Should a resolution not be reached by chain of command, the Chancellor will either meet with the student to hear his/her grievance or immediately appoint a Special Committee to hear the grievance within 10 days of the receipt of the formal letter.

Fourth: If the grievance is not resolved in discussion with the Chancellor, formal hearings of a Special Committee must be coordinated through the Chancellor’s Office within seven days. This includes the instruction to the aggrieved individual regarding witnesses or evidence that may be presented during the hearings. The Chairperson of the Special Committee shall preside at the hearing and should rule subject to the advice of the Committee.

Fifth: Once the Special Committee has ruled on the subject, the aggrieved shall receive a certified letter written within 10 days of the completion of the hearing from the Committee members, outlining the findings and resolution, with any steps to be taken by the aggrieved or by the staff or administrator involved. This letter shall be signed as accepted by the aggrieved, as well as the staff or administrator involved and returned to the Chancellor’s Office within seven days of receipt.

Retention of Complaints and Grievances

A record of each complaint and grievance made pursuant to Louisiana Community & Technical College System Policy # 7.008 shall be maintained at the Nunez Community College office. The record shall include a copy of the complaint or grievance filed, report of findings from the investigation, and the disposition of the matter.

X Reviewing Council/Entity Review Date Effective Date
  Academic Affairs Committee    
X Executive Cabinet 2/26/2018 4/19/2018