Student Achievement Data
Nunez Community College has identified the following three goals, with associated minimum thresholds of acceptability, and outcomes to assess student achievement. The three goals are related to the following:
The College maintains the same three distinct student achievement goals or measures for all programs regardless of the method of instruction or location of the course/program.
1. Retention
Appropriate to the Mission: The mission indicates “leading to academic credentials and workforce opportunities” which suggests that retention should be a student success indicator. Students will not earn an academic credential if they are not retained through graduation.
Definition: The first-year retention rate annually reported in the IPEDS Fall Enrollment survey that measures the percentage of first-time, full-time undergraduate students who return to the institution the following fall. The retention rate is available on the Department of Education’s College Navigator website.
Minimum Expected Threshold: Meet or exceed the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) mean.
Rationale for Minimum Expected Threshold: Utilizing LCTCS sister institutions in determining the minimum expected threshold provides us with similar institutions to compare Nunez’s success.
Achievement Goal: 60%
NCC Cohort Fall Term Survey Cohort |
NCC First Year Retention Rate |
LA Community College Mean |
Fall 2016 | 38% | 50% |
Fall 2017 | 48% | 53% |
Fall 2018 | 59% | 57% |
Fall 2019 | 51% | 56% |
Fall 2020 | 46% | 55% |
Outcome Evaluation: A review the most current five-years retention rates revealed that NCC is below the Louisiana Community College mean for four of the five years. The institution exceeded the mean for fall 2018 cohort; however, there has been a decline since the fall 2019 cohort. Through disaggregation of the retention and graduation rate information, it was noted that both rates for the non-white cohort was lower than the white cohort.
2. Graduation Rate
Appropriate to the Mission: The mission directs Nunez to “deliver relevant and innovative curriculum integrating the arts, sciences, and humanities leading to academic credentials”. This is an indication that graduation rates support the mission through the awarding of academic credentials and should be included as a student success measure.
Definition: The graduation rate is the percentage of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students who complete their program at the same institution within three years. The source of information is the IPEDS Graduation Rate 150% Survey.
Minimum Expected Threshold: Meet or exceed the three-year Nunez average graduation rate.
Rationale for Minimum Expected Threshold: Nunez Community College set its minimum expected threshold after a review of institutional trends as well as after a review of other data such as IPEDS.
Achievement Goal: 30%
Cohort Term | Cohort number | Graduated in Three Years | % Graduated in Three Years |
Fall 2017 | 186 | 30 | 16% |
Fall 2018 | 146 | 35 | 24% |
Fall 2019 | 181 | 46 | 25% |
Fall 2020 | 156 | 28 | 21% |
Outcome Evaluation: A review of the most current graduation rates for NCC indicates the rate has exceeded the three-year mean for 2 of the 3 years. Further analysis indicates that for 3 of the 4 years, the institution reached or exceeded a 20% graduation rate which is over the three-year average graduation rate.
2a. Graduation Rate Disaggregation
Appropriate to the Mission and Definition: Nunez Community College disaggregates graduation rate data by the following: gender, ethnicity (race), age, and economically disadvantaged defined as Pell eligible. Disaggregating graduation rates by these student characteristics allows review by populations that are traditionally underserved in higher education as well as the focus populations of the Louisiana Board of Regents 2030 Louisiana Prospers Master Plan.
Minimum Expected Threshold: Meet or exceed the three-year average graduation rate.
Rationale for Minimum Expected Threshold: Nunez Community College set its minimum expected threshold after a review of institutional trends as well as after a review of other data such as IPEDS for each of the disaggregated categories. The minimum expect threshold is the same as the threshold established for overall graduation rate.
First-Time Freshmen Persistence to Graduation Disaggregated by Student Population
Cohort Term | Gender | Cohort Number | Graduated in 3 Years | % Graduated in Three Years |
Fall 2017 | Female | 99 | 15 | 15% |
Fall 2018 | Female | 63 | 15 | 24% |
Fall 2019 | Female | 80 | 15 | 19% |
Fall 2020 | Female | 62 | 6 | 9% |
Fall 2017 | Male | 87 | 15 | 17% |
Fall 2018 | Male | 83 | 20 | 24% |
Fall 2019 | Male | 101 | 31 | 31% |
Fall 2020 | Male | 94 | 22 | 25% |
Cohort Term | race | Cohort Number | Graduated in 3 Years | % Graduated in Three Years |
Fall 2017 | Non-White | 102 | 11 | 11% |
Fall 2018 | Non-White | 64 | 13 | 20% |
Fall 2019 | Non-White | 96 | 17 | 18% |
Fall 2020 | Non-White | 67 | 9 | 13% |
Fall 2017 | White/Unknown | 84 | 19 | 23% |
Fall 2018 | White/Unknown | 82 | 22 | 27% |
Fall 2019 | White/Unknown | 85 | 29 | 34% |
Fall 2020 | White/Unknown | 89 | 18 | 20% |
Cohort Term | age | Cohort Number | Graduated in 3 Years | % Graduated in Three Years |
Fall 2017 | Traditional (24 & Below) | 156 | 22 | 14% |
Fall 2018 | Traditional (24 & Below) | 120 | 25 | 21% |
Fall 2019 | Traditional (24 & Below) | 70 | 19 | 27% |
Fall 2020 | Traditional (24 & Below) | 136 | 27 | 20% |
Fall 2017 | Non-Traditional (25 & Above) | 30 | 8 | 27% |
Fall 2018 | Non-Traditional (25 & Above) | 26 | 10 | 38% |
Fall 2019 | Non-Traditional (25 & Above) | 111 | 27 | 24% |
Fall 2020 | Non-Traditional (25 & Above) | 20 | 1 | 5% |
Cohort Term | Pell Eligibility Status | Cohort Number | Graduated in 3 Years | % Graduated in Three Years |
Fall 2017 | Pell Eligible | 136 | 22 | 16% |
Fall 2018 | Pell Eligible | 103 | 26 | 25% |
Fall 2019 | Pell Eligible | 111 | 25 | 19% |
Fall 2020 | Pell Eligibile | 105 | 17 | 16% |
Fall 2017 | Not Pell Eligible | 40 | 7 | 18% |
Fall 2018 | Not Pell Eligible | 37 | 7 | 19% |
Fall 2019 | Not Pell Eligible | 50 | 21 | 42% |
Fall 2020 | Not Pell Eligible | 51 | 11 | 22% |
Outcome Evaluation: A review of the disaggregated graduation rate information revealed that the female gender category and the non-white race category and the traditional age category of students were the 2 categories in which the minimum expected threshold was not met. For each of the categories, there was only 1 year for each in which the threshold was not met. The College recognizes the importance of disaggregating the data in order to identify student categories of concern in order to develop and implement improvement initiatives.
3. Licensure Examinations
Appropriate to the Mission: The mission indicates “leading to academic credentials and workforce opportunities” which suggests that workforce placement is a priority. In the healthcare field, licensure is required for graduates of emergency medical technician, paramedic, and practical nursing programs to gain employment.
Definition: National and/or state licensure examinations required to obtain license in order to work in the designated field. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Emergency Medical Services Paramedic graduates must pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) exam to earn the EMT certification. Practical Nursing graduates complete the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) NCLEX exam.
Minimum Expected Threshold: 70% to 80% licensure pass rate on first attempt. Varies by program
Rationale for Minimum Expected Threshold: Set independently for each program. The minimum is set depending on the state agency and programmatic accreditation requirements of each accrediting agency.
Achievement Goal: 80%
Program name | licensure exam | expected threshold of achievement | Justification of the appropriateness of threshold | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Practical Nursing | NCLEX | 80% | Louisiana State Board requires a 70% minimum threshold for educational providers. Licensure is required for graduates to gain employment in the field. |
10/10 100% |
29/29 100% |
26/27 96% |
Emergency Medical Technician | National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) | 70% | Passage of the national registry exam is required for graduates to gain employment in the field. |
11/17 65% |
3/10 30% |
1/7 14% |
Paramedic Program | National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) | 70% | Committee on Accreditation of Educational Medical Services (CoAEMSP) standards require programs to meet or exceed 70% licensure pass rate. Passage of the national registry exam is required for graduates to gain employment in the field. |
10/10 100% |
6/10 60% |
7/10 70% |
Outcome Evaluation: The Practical Nursing Program met the minimum expected threshold. The Emergency Medical Technician Program has not met the threshold in 3 years while the Paramedic Program met the threshold 2 of 3 years.