Graduation Requirements
Students should meet on a regular basis with their advisor to be sure that they are making progress toward the completion of their certificate or degree program. To qualify for an associate degree or certificate, students must meet the following requirements:
Apply for graduation by the deadline noted in the Catalog. Applications are available online via LoLA.
- Complete the requirements of their program as described in the Catalog in effect at the time they enrolled. As an alternative, they may follow the requirements in the Catalog in effect during their final semester as long as they have been continuously enrolled. If they change their major, or if they do not enroll at Nunez Community College for a fall or spring semester, they must follow the program requirement described in the Catalog that is in effect at the time of the change of major or the return to College.
- Earn at least a "C” in each required major course, as identified in the Catalog program description, and any other courses identified in the program description. (The last grade earned is the official grade for a repeated course.) The adjusted program grade point average must also be at least 2.00.
- Complete at least 25% of required courses applied toward the degree or certificate in residence at Nunez. This percentage may not include any credit from non-traditional sources, with the exception of credit earned through credit by examination. Courses applied toward the 25% residency requirement may include the 50% of required major courses reference in #7 below.
- Earn no more than 25% of the total hours applied toward the degree or certificate from portfolio-based, non-traditional sources.
- Earn no more than one-third of the credits needed in required major courses from non- traditional sources (not including credit by examination). Major courses are identified in the Catalog program description.
- Earn no less than 50% of the required major courses in residence at Nunez. Major courses are identified in the Catalog program description.
- Complete at least the number of credits stipulated in the degree program. In cases where courses or programs have been revised, however, an appropriate course substitution may be approved by the Department Chair responsible for that program, the Dean of Academic Affairs, or by the Vice-Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs (VCASA).
- Complete the required amount of 2000-level courses applicable toward an associate degree as described in the program description.
- Receive, in writing, approval from the VCASA for any deviation from the required curriculum. Students may not apply toward graduation credit a lower-level course in a sequence after earning credit in the higher-level course.
- Fulfill all obligations to the College, including financial obligations, prior to established dates. Student loan recipients must complete an exit interview online at which will be sent to the institution.
- Pay the appropriate graduation fee. A student who does not complete graduation requirements for the anticipated year must pay another graduation fee during the academic year in which he or she reapplies for graduation and meets the requirements.
- The College strongly encourages participation in commencement. The graduation fee is required even when a student does not attend the graduation ceremony. Students participating in the ceremony must adhere to Nunez graduation dress code.
- The College reserves the right to confer a certificate, diploma or degree on any student who has fulfilled the program requirements. In such cases, students who wish to receive a diploma as well as other recognitions of program completion must complete an application for graduation and pay the graduation fee.
Students must receive written approval from the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs for any deviation from these requirements.
A student must meet all course requirements for a second degree or certificate and must earn at least an additional nine semester hours for a second certificate or 15 semester hours for a second degree. These hours cannot apply toward the first degree or first certificate. In addition, an official declaration of major must be on file prior to applying for a second degree or certificate so that the appropriate Catalog requirements can be determined.
In degree and certificate programs (e.g., LA Transfer degrees, Business Technology) where there are several possible concentrations, a student is not eligible for a second credential if an additional concentration is completed.
Any student remaining eligible for a discontinued program who has completed 50% or more of the required courses in that program will be allowed to complete the program at Nunez. The student must complete the requirements within two years after the semester in which the program was discontinued. A student may be allowed to transfer into Nunez remaining required courses to complete the degree if Nunez cannot offer the courses. Exceptions to this policy maybe granted by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.
Click Here to view the policy on requirements to Graduate with Honors.