The Nunez Bookstore
Located in the Kane Technology Building, the Nunez Bookstore is the place to find everything you will need to succeed. Besides books, of course, we provide a variety of school supplies, backpacks, technology, gifts, and accessories. You can also show your Pelican pride with our authentic assortment of collegiate apparel, including Nunez t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, gifts, and more. You can even shop from the store online.
What is the Follett Access Program?
The Follett Access program at Nunez ensures that all students will begin the semester with all of the resources they will need to be successful. Students will have immediate, reliable, and affordable access to any textbooks and instructor-required course supplies.
Students will receive all of their course textbooks and supplies for a flat fee per each credit hour in which they are enrolled.
Important Note: All students should monitor their Nunez email accounts, as well as Canvas, for important messages from Follett concerning the Access program, including announcements of when any supplies are ready for pickup in the Nunez bookstore.
For information on how to access your Nunez Student Email please see the Nunez Student Email Addresses Page.
NOTE: Effective Fall 2024, the Follett Bookstore Fee of $30.22 is charged for each credit hour. This fee is subject to change per semester.
Don't see your question? Email it to [email protected]
All Nunez students will be automatically enrolled in the program. They will receive their textbooks digitally in Canvas, and any supplies their instructors require for their courses will be available for pickup in the Nunez bookstore. Students will be informed via email when that time comes. If a student is enrolled in a course for which a digital textbook is not available, a printed copy of the textbook will be provided.
Absolutely nothing except sign up for classes as soon as possible. All students are initially included in the program; however, students may opt-out of the program through LoLA. Additional opt-out date information can be found below.
If your instructor requires supplies that are necessary for successfully completing a course, these supplies will be made available through the program. For example, if you are a Welding major in a course that requires you to have personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and goggles, those materials will be provided to you through the Follett Access program.
- Login into your LoLA account.
- Select “Student.”
- Under the “My Account” section, select “1st Day Books Opt Out.”
- Select the term.
- Check the box – “Yes, I would like to opt out of the Day 1 book program.”
- Select “Save changes.”
Each semester, students may opt out starting after they register for their courses up until the last day to add/drop at 100% for the part of term in which their earliest course is being offered. For example, if you are taking a course in the full-term semester and another in the later mini-B term, you will need to opt out before the last day to add/drop courses for the full-term semester. Students enrolled in parts of term of the Nursing, the Process Technology Fast Track, and the Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration programs must opt-out by last day to add/drop at 100% for the part of term in which their earliest course is being offered.
Full, Mini-A, Mini-B and Winter Intersession Semesters
The add/drop dates for full terms, mini-A, mini-B and the Winter Intersession can be found on the academic calendar.
- Students will need to determine the start date of the earliest course they are taking (this can be found in LoLA).
- Then, take note of date labeled “Late Registration/Last Day to Add, Drop or Adjust Schedule” This date is the last day you can opt out of the Follett Access program.
Nursing, HACR, and Process Technology Fast Track Semesters
The add/drop dates for Nursing, the Process Technology Fast Track, and the Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration programs can be found on the College’s Refund Policy webpage.
- Students will need to determine the start date of the earliest course they are taking (this can be found in LoLA).
- Then, take note of date labeled “100% Tuition Adjustment” This date is the last day you can opt out of the Follett Access program.
No. Students who “opt out” are opting out of the entire program and must purchase all of their required textbooks and supplies for all of their courses on their own.
Yes, you can opt back into the program as long as it is before the deadline. To opt back into the program, follow these steps:
- Login into your LoLA account.
- Select “Student.”
- Under the “My Account” section, select “1st Day Books Opt Out.”
- Select the term.
- Check the box – “Opt back in.”
- Select “Save changes.”
No. If you drop a course before the “Late Registration/Last Day to Add, Drop or Adjust Schedule” deadline, you will not be charged for that course.
The bookstore will use your Nunez student email address when sending you the courseware access code (Mindtap, MyLab, McGraw-Hill Connect, etc.). It is very important that you regularly monitor this email account.
Contact the bookstore at [email protected] or [email protected], and we can look up your code for you.
This decision is completely up to you, but you should carefully consider the following. Your courses may require eBooks and courseware, such as Mindtap, MyLab, etc. The courseware is only available with the purchase of the eBook. While you may have access to the textbook in printed form, you will be unable to access the online courseware your instructor will be using. You are highly encouraged to stay in the program, so you can receive both sets of materials (book and courseware) needed to be successful in the course.
No. If you opted out of the program, it will take the book or courseware access a few days to disappear. It will automatically update, and the book and/or courseware will no longer be accessible.
Students should first check the materials available to them to see if there are accessibility issues. If after reviewing the materials, the student needs additional assistance, they should contact Accessibility Services at [email protected].
No. Nunez only includes required course materials in the Follett Access program. You can purchase recommended course materials through the college bookstore or other book retailers.
Yes. However, students may only charge up to $199 of their available financial aid funds for course-related supplies. Student must use their personal finances for all other purchases, such as college apparel, spirit gear, gifts, etc. Contact the store for details at [email protected].
Digital materials will be available based on the publisher’s terms. Some publishers provide students with access for an extended period of time or even for a lifetime. Others end access once the semester ends.
If a student earns an incomplete, the instructor will work with the bookstore and publisher to ensure access is continued until the student finishes the course.