L-R Katherine Karcher Lemoine - Nunez Director of Development, Susie Showalter, Danny Bourgeois - Kiwanis Foundation Board Member, Tina Tinney-Nunez Chancellor.
Susie Showalter recently established an endowed fund with the St. Bernard Kiwanis Foundation benefiting the Nunez Community College Scholarship Program in honor of her parents Rosemary and Merlyn Sentilles Sr. A $25,000 endowment has been designated to fund the scholarship program. This will assure that a $1,000 grant will be made to Nunez Community College annually in perpetuity. Specifically, these scholarships will enhance numerous work force development initiatives, including training in career and technical fields.
Susie’s mother, Rosemary Sentilles, was a professional seamstress using her talents helping and advising people as well as creating clothing and other apparel. Merlyn Sentilles Sr. was a master craftsman who used his talents to construct houses, buildings, churches and other woodworking projects. His hands were like magic creating structures and the sort. Their trades enabled them to provide a great quality of life for themselves and their seven children. This scholarship will carry on the legacy of both Rosemary and Merlyn’s crafts by providing a financial stipend for those students who desire to enter a career in a technical field.
Mitch Perkins, President, St. Bernard Kiwanis Foundation expressed his appreciation to Susie for creating the scholarship program. “Our club and community are grateful for her generosity and commitment to ensure that a scholarship program in the technical field will continue for many generations. Susie continues to lead by example in serving this community.”
Dr. Tina Tinney, Chancellor of Nunez, echoed Mr. Perkin's sentiment, "We are extremely gracious for the generous gift endowed by Mrs. Showalter. Her parents' legacy will carry on for years to come and impact students' lives along the way. Thank you to Susie for making a difference."
If anyone is interested in creating a legacy by endowing a fund or receiving additional information about the St. Bernard Kiwanis Foundation, contact Danny Bourgeois at 504-376-3701.