Employment Information
How to apply for a job with Nunez Community College
Nunez Community College hires employees in the following categories:
- Unclassified exempt administrators and staff
- Unclassified faculty, full and part-time (adjunct)
- Classified non-exempt staff
- Temporary workers, including clerical support for specific periods such as registration
- Title IV student workers under the Federal Work Study program.
Each category of employee has its own recruiting and hiring procedures. A summary of each one is below.
For unclassified exempt administrators and staff, applications are accepted only when vacancy announcements are posted. Unsolicited applications will not be kept on file nor returned to the sender. Each application must contain:
- Cover letter stating specific position
- Resume or CV
- Copies of transcripts (unofficial will suffice for review purposes)
- Contact information for three professional references.
For unclassified full- and part- time (adjunct) faculty, applications are accepted year-round and kept on file for up to 12 months. We prefer electronic submissions, with all required elements as listed below, sent to [email protected]. Please put the teaching discipline in the subject line when submitting your application for consideration. Faculty in transferable disciplines must have a master’s degree with 18 graduate hours in the teaching discipline. Applicants without the appropriate credentials will not be considered. Each application must contain:
- Cover letter stating teaching discipline
- Resume or CV
- Copies of transcripts (unofficial will suffice for review purposes)
- Contact information for three professional references.
For classified staff, vacancies are posted on LA Careers through the Department of Civil Service. Instructions for applying for classified positions may be found at https://jobs.civilservice.louisiana.gov/
For temporary (unclassified) workers, positions are posted on this website with specific application instructions.
Students interested in applying for Title IV Student Worker positions should start first at the Financial Aid Office for more information about qualifying for the program. Those students who qualify for Title IV Federal Work Study Program may come by the Office of Human Resources for the application forms and instructions or may access the Application Forms. All student worker positions at Nunez Community College are Title IV FWS positions and the student must qualify under those guidelines.
Employee Development
Nunez Community College participates in the Comprehensive Public Training Program (CPTP) offered through the Department of Civil Service. CPTP offers a menu of training workshops available to all college employees, free of charge.
In addition, the Office of Human Resources offers the following workshops in-house:
- Excellence in Customer Service
- Interpersonal Communication
- Performance Coaching
If your department has other employee development needs, please contact the Office of Human Resources with your requests.
Job Openings
Click here for current available positions and application instructions.