Library Off-Campus Database
All of the databases are available on campus networked devices by simply clicking on these links. They are accessible while off-campus via a proxy server, which verifies that you are an authorized user. Authorized users Nunez Faculty, Staff and students who are registered for one or more credit classes in the current semester.
To access the databases on a non-campus network, you will be prompted for the following information:
- Your LOLA ID number (eg. L01234567 or N01234567)
- Your PIN. If you have not changed this, the default PIN is your 4-digit birthday, MMDD (e.g., 0418 for April 18th)
When you click on "authenticate" you should go directly into the chosen database.
If you are having any problems accessing the databases remotely, contact the library at [email protected] or (504-278-6231) for assistance.
Online Catalog for finding books and other materials available from the Library.