Update: Nunez Sets New Dates for S.T.E.A.M. Workshops for Kids & Adults In September & OctoberUpdate: Nunez Sets New Dates for S.T.E.A.M. Workshops for Kids & Adults In September & October

STEAM at Nunez Logo

Following the interruption of Hurricane Ida, Nunez Community College’s STEAM Division has set new dates for its upcoming workshops.

The Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math division will host four workshops in September and October; two aimed at young people and two aimed at adults. To sign up for the following, head to Nunez.edu/workforce/how-to-register and follow the instructions using the CRNs listed below. If you have additional questions or need assistance, contact STEAM Director Julie Rexford at 504-278-6427 or [email protected].

Saturday, Sept. 25
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grades 3-5
Cost: $10
CRN: 10550

The Mission to Mars: NASA Helicopter Project will teach students to investigate and explain how Newton’s third law of motion plays a role in rotary-winged flight and how a propeller’s design determines the direction of the thrust it creates. They will then use the engineering design process to modify a design to achieve a prescribed goal.

Thursday, Sept. 30
6-9 p.m.
Cost: $45
CRN: 10555

STEAM at Nunez and the Skillshop is offering a One Day Build workshop.  Learn to design and cut out a wooden door hanger with your family initial.  

Saturday, Oct. 9
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Grades 6-8
Cost: $25
CRN: 10554

The Intro to Robotics Workshop will introduce students to the fabrication and programming of a robot using Lego Spike Prime robot.  Students will use the engineering design process to create a robot that meets a desired goal.  

Saturday, Oct. 16
8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Cost: $100
CRN: 10553

Forklift Certification Training.

CDC recommendations will be followed during all workshops. Masks are required.

Learn more about Nunez’s STEAM Division at Nunez.edu/STEAM.

About Nunez Community College
Nunez Community College is a student-centered institution that delivers relevant and innovative curriculum integrating the arts, sciences, and humanities leading to academic credentials and workforce opportunities. Nunez serves a vital role in the community by engaging with partners to support student success and personal growth. Nunez Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees, certificates, and diplomas. Nunez is located at 3710 Paris Road, Chalmette, LA. For more information, visit www.nunez.edu