Professional Communication Workshop Series

Nunez Community College has identified and selected Geax Pro: Improving Professional Communication Skills for Success in College and Careers as the focus of its Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP).  Through a college-wide conversation about student learning and professional success a careful analysis of assessment data and a review of feedback from employers, Geaux Pro:  Improving Professional Communication Skills for Success in College and Careers will empower and encourage Nunez students to improve their oral/verbal, written, and digital communication skills through participation in high impact practices.

Three aspects drive the QEP:  student learning, professional development, and assessment.  The plan incorporates written, oral, and digital communication opportunities for practice and feedback in targeted courses across all academic programs of study.  The assessment plan is at the pulse of the QEP wherein student learning and professional development initiatives will be directly and indirectly measured to determine improvement and inform instruction.  By supporting faculty as they develop new pedagogical skills and apply these to targeted courses.  Nunez will positively impact the success of the students, develop mentors on campus, and support a culture of professional communication across the institution.

For more information, please contact Nunez Community College QEP Director: Christine Todd [email protected].